Pro Installer November 2017 - Issue 56 | Page 48

48 | NOVEMBER 2017 Installer Support CHOOSING THE RIGHT WATER-BASED COATING In the fenestration industry, demand for PVCu windows and doors is as high as ever. Matching customer demands for more personal and unique finishes as well as complying with environmental and legislation is a big ask. Since the introduction of the EU Paints Directive back in 2010, an increasing number of water-based coating products have appeared online and on the shelves in trade stores across the country. The first question that springs to mind is, are all these water-based coatings the same? The short answer is no. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) levels have been well doc- umented over the last ten years and manufacturers are required by law to clearly document and label the VOC content. The scales typically used in the ‘paint’ market start at Minimal VOC con- tent (0-0.29%) up to Very High VOC content (50% or above). All water-based products with VOC content manufactured in Europe cannot under current leg- islation exceed more than 20g of VOC content per litre of the total volume. VOC levels vary from manu- facturer to manufacturer. It is also very important to note that claims of ‘VOC free’ are incor- rect. ‘Paint’ and ‘colour’ is made up of a number of natural and synthetic components, such as minerals, natural oils, pigments and additives. These compo- nents all have to undergo some form of cleansing, refinement, processing and treatment in order to make up the product. The production process to do this includes substances that are classed as VOCs, so therefore trace elements can still be found in the finished product, which results that a statement of VOC free cannot be true. Another consideration when looking at water based coating systems is to look for the NMP (N-Methylpyrrolidone) and NEP (N-Ethyl-Pyrrolidone) levels. NMP and NEP are solvents and act as an adhesion promoter for PVCu as it softens the surface when the existing coating is too hard. NMP has been proven to cause skin and eye irritation, cause respiratory irritation and possibly damage fertility. NEP is slightly less toxic although the levels are still high. Some water-based coating systems do contain small amounts of NMP and NEP - check the information to see what the levels are. Your health and safety and well-being is as important as the environmental factors. The second question to ask is, how do you know what is the right coating system for you, the customer and for the environ- ment? One answer lies in ‘D200’ – a high performance single applica- tion exterior water-based coating system which is designed for direct application to PVCu and other hard plastic surfaces. Brought to you by AquaSur Tech OEM, this product ticks all the right boxes. Right for You D200 is free from NMP and NEPs meaning that the applica- tion process is totally safe for a user and their health, along with customers and members of the public. Non-toxic, non-flammable and odourless, the product can be stored, transported and used on or off site, and the user can be safe in the knowledge that they are working with a product that has minimal hazards. D200 does not require a hardener - which can be highly toxic - so what is not used can simply be poured back into the tin and used again another time – no wastage. Right for the customer AquaSur Tech OEM offers the customer over 25 years of hands on experience in the field of wa- ter-based technology. what is not used can simply be ‘ poured back into the tin and used again another time – no wastage ’ Hundreds of colours and a fast colour-matching facility mean that the customer will not have to compromise on the quality of the finished project. Each customer can feel confi- dent that their order and colour choices meet all current legisla- tion and environmental obliga- tions. The simple application pro- cess also means that D200 is a cost-effective option for custom- ers. Right for the environment D200 has Minimal VOC content (20g/l) but still has the durabili- ty, beauty and performance of a traditional coating. D200 is also free from lead, chromate and isocyanate. Manufactured in the UK, it can be dispatched to customers with minimal transportation impact on the environment.