46 | NOVEMBER 2017
Installer Support
Miracle Seal is a product brought
to the wider construction world by
CTEC, the creators of CT1 sealant.
CT1-The Snag List Elimina-
tor has been crowned the num-
ber one sealant in the UK, after
around 25 independent tests
awarded by various associations
such as The Norwegian Asthma
and Allergy Association, ETAG 022,
EC1, ISEGA and EC1.
Fixing leaks in radiators, boilers
and engines has always been a
problem, due to the need for cool-
ing system panels when trying to
locate leaks.
Miracle Seal is a scientifically
created product to cure all water
leaks in the heating system, in
both open and closed systems.
There are some products on the
market to cure weeps, but Miracle
Seal will fix leaks permanently
without blocking the system -
guaranteed. It is non-ad-
hesive based unlike
polymer-based alterna-
tives, so it is chemically
impossible to clog the
system. Miracle Seal will
work effectively on met-
al and plastic pipes and is com-
patible with anti-freeze, so it is
effective in repairing leaks in solar
panels. This product has saved
thousands of pounds on potential
repairs on many occasions.
Tim Clarke from Manor Plumb-
ing carries out emergency insur-
ance repairs where the ability
to resolve a fault quickly is high
priority. He said: “When we go out
to heating systems with leaks and
pressure loss issues, we would,
after all visual checks, then have
to look for ‘hidden’ leaks. Now,
once we’ve confirmed there are no
visible leaks, we add a bottle of
Miracle Seal, and to date - we’ve
used the product over 20 times
- we have had a 100% success
The business found that other
internal leak sealing products
clogged pipework and pumps.
With Miracle Seal, the systems
run away as normal, and more
importantly don’t leak after using
the product.
The product has saved thou-
sands of pounds for homeown-
ers, plumbers, facility managers,
building contractors and develop-
ers – particularly in winter, when
call-outs are high. It is an excel-
lent product for heritage listed
buildings which have old boilers.
Can’t find the leak without ruining
original wood or stone? Use Mira-
cle Seal.
Go to www.ct1ltd.com to see
applications and various case