Pro Installer May 2020 - Issue 86 | Page 45

MAY 2020 | 45 Business Read online at REACH OUT TO THE READER FROM A SAFE DISTANCE While we may usually spend a lot of time at work wishing we were at home, a lot people have been surprised at how much they are reminiscing about shop floor and staff MARKETING room chat, a catch up in the canteen, even the meetings we all moan about but now miss. Here’s seven reasons to stay in touch while social distancing… No news is not good news It’s all too easy to think ‘we have nothing to say so we won’t say anything’, but when you are a link in a chain, it has never been more important to remind the reader that you are still here. If you want to update your client base on what has been happening during the Covid-19 crisis, that’s absolutely fine, but if you’d rather take the time to high- light your company’s more permanent products and ser- vices, now is the time; and now you have the time. a broader look at your brand and business, and its journey over the years to today. MARKETING It’s a pause not a stop It’s *not* showtime The UK has been on lockdown for more than a month now, and while no-one knows when it will end, or how it will be phased out, there will be a time when it is all over. If manufacturing, for exam- ple, is allowed to start up sooner rather than later, or commercial sites are able to operate in some capacity; keeping in touch with your customers in the meantime - rather than complete ‘radio silence’ - means a much smoother process for all involved. The mass cancellation of industry events and exhibitions - whether local, national or international - means that a lot of hard work has been put on hold, indefinitely. If your brand was planning a daz- zling debut of a product or service, or preparing for awesome announcement, why keep your audience waiting? There is a vast and varied supply of virtual options you could use for your ‘launch’ or for added excitement, if you don’t want to give the game away too soon, you can tease and tantalise with some branded ‘bread- crumbs’ of information, for the recipient to follow to the event when it can finally take place… Play to the audience Like it or loathe it we all have a lot of time on our hands at the moment, and now you have a captive audience - whether you want to turn the spotlight onto some of your star products, highlight your company’s history or take Think inside the box - the inbox For the first time in years, everyone - from fit- ter to fabricator - actually has the time to read their emails properly, and digest rather than delete. It seems ironic to cancel a mar- keting campaign or stop sending out information when instead of being lost in a horde of internal mail and industry event invites, your e-shot would not only stand out - for all the right reasons - in an otherwise lean-looking folder, the recipient will actually have the time to read it. Time for a change? If you’ve been using lockdown to examine your personal outgoings - from your utility bills to your credit card rates - it makes perfect sense that business-minded men and women will be using this extra time to take a closer look at their professional spending. Now more than ever, instead of agree- ing to ‘same as last time’ because it’s easier and quicker, those in charge of the work purse have a rare chance to think about a new system supplier, a machinery overhaul, better delivery methods, a sweet- er hardware suite. Be the change that they need. Clear communication is a small speculation Last, but by far, not least - we are all watching the pennies at the moment and rightly so. That’s why Wildcat Marketing has put together a bespoke range of lockdown marketing rates - from a single e-shot to a complete campaign. Because we know all brands and businesses are different, so why should you use the same methods - at the same prices - as everyone else? Wildcat Marketing By definition, wildcats have evolved to be inde- pendent, enterprising, resil- ient and resourceful. That’s why it’s the perfect name for Wildcat Marketing. Wildcat Marketing holds an unmatched understand- ing of how to get right to the heart of a business’s product and services, with a foot hold in both sides of the media, to get your brand into the right hands. With decades of experi- ence, the team mixes mod- ern marketing methods and traditional tools to deliver the best outcome for each individual client. Next time: 7 ways to make marketing work in lockdown Email [email protected] for more information.