44 | MAY 2020
Read online at www.proinstaller.co.uk
Stay one step ahead of cyber crime
The Police Digital Se-
Recent visitors to www.clearview-uk.com
will have noticed that the official website
for Clearview magazine – Pro Installer’s
big brother – has had a facelift with a
brand new layout, refreshed look, and
an altogether cleaner, neater image.
Clearview director and publisher
Steve Sidebottom explains: “It’s never
been more important to have a strong
digital presence and not only make
sure that our readers can access the
most up-to-date industry news and
expert advice, but that the way we
present the news is as smart and slick
as the companies that are filling the
“When we put together the print
version of the magazine each month,
we have a regular opportunity to try
out new styles and systems to make
sure articles appeal to the reader and
stand out for all the right reasons.
Like many companies though, our
website has had the same look for
several years, and we felt it was time
for a refresh.
“We have taken the decision to keep
the print magazine going throughout
national lockdown, as we feel that
we owe it to both our customers and
our audience to keep the channels
of communication open during this
unprecedented time. The new-look
website - along with our weekly
e-newsletter; Clearzine, and Twitter
account; @Clearviewmag enables us
to ‘fill in the gaps’ between issues.
“We’re really happy with the final
result and feel like it perfectly repre-
sents ourselves as a modern, forward
thinking business, as well as some
of fenestration’s finest brands and
business that regularly feature on our
pages - that’s both print and web.”
Clearview is the preferred title
for a vast and varied host of read-
ers throughout the industry from
one-man installation companies to
multi-national corporations, including
builders, specifiers, architects, and
sector-centric legal and financial
firms. Making sure that it functions in
every type of format not only max-
imises the reader experience, but the
effectiveness of PR and advertising
from the provider. That’s why, the new
Clearview layout has been designed
and developed to offer bigger and
better advertising opportunities, and
from the ‘back end’ it is also more re-
sponsive to make the most of screen
sizes; whether a mobile phone, tablet,
laptop, or desktop computer.
See for yourself at clearview-uk.com
curity Centre (PDSC) is part
of a non-profit organisation
Police Crime Prevention In-
itiatives (PCPI) and works
across England and Wales
with industry, government,
academia and law enforce-
ment to reduce the vulnera-
bility of organisations to
cyber crime and fraud.
PDSC’s free Digital-
ly Aware certification
scheme, has been devel-
oped exclusively in collab-
oration with BSI. It aims
to reduce SME’s vulnera-
bility to cyber crime and
promote the fact that they
have taken the necessary
steps to protect themselves
to their customers, staff
and suppliers.
constantly need to
‘ be Businesses
at the top of their game ’
On successful completion
of an online questionnaire
- based on the National Cy-
ber Security Centre’s ‘Small
Business Guide’ - a certifi-
cate valid for 12 months is
awarded. Applicants also
receive a tailored report
with specific recommenda-
tions of actions they should
take in accordance with
the latest Government and
police guidance.
Simon Newman, Head
of Cyber and Business
Services for PCPI, said:
“In these times of uncer-
tainty, we want to help
organisations become more
digitally secure and reduce
their vulnerability to cyber
crime. Businesses constant-
ly need to be at the top of
their game; cyber criminals
are becoming increasingly
sophisticated in the way
they target businesses”.
Leading supplier of ironmongery to the trade,
IronmongeryDirect, has been named in the
top 250 ranking of the largest ecommerce
and multichannel retailers in the UK.
The RetailX Top500 Report inde-
pendently ranks the performance of the
largest ecommerce and multichannel
retailers in the UK by revenue, store
networks and website traffic as well as
undertaking in-depth analysis against
six key areas: Strategy & Innovation, The
Customer, Merchandising, Brand Engage-
ment, Operations & Logistics and Mobile &
Marco Verdonkschot, Managing Director
said, “to improve on last year’s perfor-
mance, where we entered in the top 350,
is testament to our continued commitment
to our customers. Providing exemplary
service is standard for us and we are de-
lighted that this ethos has been rewarded
with our new position in the top 250. We
are committed to ensuring our services
match the expectations of our customers
and providing greater convenience with
over 18,000 products available to order by
phone and online, as well as offering next
day delivery options, even on a Sunday.”