24 | MAY 2020
Read online at www.proinstaller.co.uk
Benefits of being a Steel Window Association member today
If ever there was a time when the membership of a leading professional
association in any industry is invaluable, it’s now. They are the
source of independent, comprehensive advice when members are busy
trying to optimise and amend operations during challenging times.
There are always good reasons
why a manufacturer or associate
should become a member of The Steel
Window Association (SWA), a group
of people who are busier than ever
now. As well as having access to the
latest product developments within the
industry, members also receive infor-
mation from organisations such as The
Glass & Glazing Federation (GGF) and
the Construction Products Association
During the current COVID-19 crisis,
SWA members are being kept up
to date with information from top
sources. The GGF issues daily updates
giving members guidance within the
housing, construction and building
maintenance industries – including the
job retention scheme, small business
grants, deferred VAT payments and
business rates holidays. The SWA re-
ceives these updates and immediately
forwards them to members.
The CPA has set up a dedicated
Coronavirus web page for members
to access directly and issues weekly
updates with industry news, industry
responses to the crisis; along with the
latest housing and economic statistics
as they are changing on a daily basis.
From everyone at the Steel Window
Association and all of its members,
we hope everyone stays safe and well
during this tough time.
SWA members have exclusive access to a range
of collectively developed energy rated systems
which are compliant with building regulations and
that are recognised by the British Fenestration
Rating Council (BFRC). The SWA also works in
cooperation with both the British and European
standards agencies, window research bodies and
other influential organisations; including FENSA
and as mentioned above, the Construction Prod-
ucts Association and the Glass & Glazing Feder-
ation. Members of the Steel Window Association
offer a UK wide service for the repair and replace-
ment of various types of old metal windows, doors
and screens, as well as being able to manufacture
new fenestration which fully meets the require-
ments of the building regulations. Choosing an
SWA member to manufacture and install your
steel windows and doors ensures that you are
receiving the highest standard of fabrication,
installation and customer service.
For further information on the Steel Window Association,
please visit www.steel-window-association.co.uk
Door Group, a unit of ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions UK & Ireland, is calling for higher standards
of fire door inspections, after concerns surrounding fire safety in education buildings.
Shockingly, there are over
1,000 school fires a year in the
UK, costing an average of £2.8m
in larger incidents, with one edu-
cation insurer reporting that the
large majority of UK schools are
found to have ‘poor’ fire protec-
tion systems.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire
Safety) Order 2005 requires
schools to undertake risk assess-
ments to identify the general fire
precautions needed to safeguard
the safety of occupants in case of
fire, including their safe means of
escape. But with fire protection
systems failing time and time
again, it is clear that more needs
to be done.
Fire doors are one of the most
important safety features in a
building, and regular inspec-
tions are essential to fully ensure
health and safety measures are
met. Education buildings can
present highly specific require-
ments for fire doorsets, with
particularly varied legislation and
building regulations surrounding
fire doors in schools.
As part of its commitment to
fire door safety, Door Group
provide a fully comprehensive
inspection which can be carried
out every three, four, six or 12
months to suit specific require-
Following inspections, Door
Group then offer detailed reports
containing advice and recommen-
dations on necessary improve-
ments, with the knowledge that
identifying any potential issues
that could impact safety and
product performance can be
If any issues do occur, a tai-
lored repair proposal is issued to
include anything from replace-
ment doors to a regular main-
tenance program. Door Group
inspectors are BRE-certified and
will ensure that all fire doors
inspected meet all necessary
standards and regulations.
Brian Sofley, Managing Director
for Door Group, explains: “The
figures we’re seeing regarding
fires in the education sector are
terrifying. An education building
should be a safe and secure place
for students and staff, to work
and learn.
“Door Group is committed to
making schools, colleges and
universities across the UK fire
protected. With regular and thor-
ough inspections, we can ensure
the compliance and performance
of fire doorsets in an effort to
improve overall fire safety in the
educational environment.”
For more information on ASSA
ABLOY Door Group, please visit