Pro Installer May 2018 - Issue 62 | Page 22

22 | MAY 2018 News Read online at KITCHEN FITTER FINED FOR ILLEGAL USE OF LEAD SOLDER ON WATER PIPES WaterSafe is warning about the dangers of employing unqualified plumbers after a kitchen fitter illegally used lead solder on plumbing carrying drinking water. Using lead solder on any plumbing carrying drinking water can lead to unsafe levels of lead, which poses a health risk. Kitchen fitter Geoff Chudley, from Torquay, was fined £2,250 after pleading guilty to seven counts of the illegal use of lead solder in the fitting of kitchens. He was prosecuted by water company South West Water during a hearing at Newton Abbot Magistrates Court in March under the Water Supply (Water Fit- tings) Regulations 1999. The water company’s routine monitoring showed drinking water in several homes exceeded the legal limit for lead. WaterSafe, which ap- proves plumbers who are qualified in the water supply regulations, is urging homeowners and businesses to check if their plumber is registered with WaterSafe, before letting them start work on any plumbing con- nected to the mains water supply. Lead is a dangerous metal which can cause serious poisoning if it builds up in the body. Babies and young children are most at risk as their development can be affected. If the water supply to a home or business passes through lead pipes, or some- one has used illegal lead solder to join pipes, the lead can dissolve into the drink- ing water. Lead-free solder should always be used for drinking water connections. SME BUILDERS AND UNITE THE UNION AGREE 3.1% PAY RISE OVER THE NEXT YEAR The Building and Allied Trades Joint Industri- al Council (BATJIC) has agreed a one-year deal involving a 3.1% pay rise to come into effect in June 2018. This follows from the successful conclusion of pay negotiations between the Federation of Master Build- ers (FMB), on behalf of SME construction employers, and Unite the union, on behalf of operatives, the FMB has said. • BATJIC has agreed a one-year deal involving a 3.1% pay rise over the next year; • All apprentices and trainees will also ben- efit from a 3.1% pay increase; • The adult general op- eratives’ rate increases by 29p per hour to £9.52; • The NVQ3 advanced craft rate increases by 37p per hour to £12.45; • The changes will come into effect as of Mon- day 25th June 2018. The severity of the skills crisis ‘ means that it is imperative that we attract more people into the industry ’ Brian Berry, Chief Execu- tive of the FMB, said: “I am pleased that we were able to reach this agreement. A 3.1% pay increase is a signif- icant rise, but it is designed to take into account higher inflation last year and make sure that employees con- tinue to see the benefits of ongoing growth in construc- tion through rises in real wages. The severity of the skills crisis means that it is imperative that we attract more people into the indus- try. It’s also more important than ever that we retain ex- isting workers. At the same time, the economic outlook for employers remains un- certain, especially given key unknowns like the impact of Brexit. As such, I believe the agreement announced today strikes a fair balance which is right for the indus- try.” JADE WINDOWS TREBLES ITS MANUFACTURING CAPACITY Longstanding Spectus fabricator Jade Windows has just moved into new premises in Batley, West Yorkshire. The new unit is 14,000sqft , over three times larger than its previous premises. The new premises will enable Jade to provide customers with quicker lead times on white frames and also on coloured frames be- cause the company will be able to hold a wide range of Spectus foiled colours in stock. The company has been a Spectus fabricator for nearly 20 years and manufactures the Elite 70 system, the Flush Sash Window and the Fully Reversible Window, a range of products that works well with its home- owner, commercial and trade customer base. When it comes to service, Jade delivers exceptional standards. There are dedi- cated project managers who liaise with customers from start to finish as well as an aftercare team to provide advice and service. A trebling of manufac- turing premises is a signif- icant achievement for any business, particularly one in such a competitive industry as ours is.