22 | MARCH 2020
Read online at www.proinstaller.co.uk
The pride of West
Wales – Victorian
Sliders named best
large manufacturer
It’s always been a
Stellar’s proven
security and quality
Stellar, the double G
Award-winning retail and
light commercial system
from Epwin Window Sys-
tems, has received three
important accreditations
that further prove the
quality and security of the
Secured by Design-ac-
credited products are
tested to relevant security
standards and are fully
certified by an independ-
ent third-party certification
body accredited by the
United Kingdom Accredita-
tion Service (UKAS).
The BS 4873 / PAS24
Kitemark is a third-party
certification indicating
the security credentials
of a product. Certification
means that installers can be
confident that the product
meets the requirements of
proud Welsh business –
and Victorian Sliders, Eu-
rope’s biggest sash window
manufacturer, has got its
15th anniversary year off to
a flying start by winning a
prestigious regional busi-
ness award.
The Ammanford-based
firm was named best large
manufacturer at the West
Wales Business Awards,
an annual event that exists
to honour the area’s most
passionate, innovative and
exceptional companies.
At a glamorous black-tie
gala dinner on January the
24th, attended by key mem-
bers of the Victorian Sliders
team including Chief Execu-
tive Scot Starkey, the award
was presented in front of an
audience of local VIPs.
The inaugural annual
GGF Chairpersons’ Forum
took place at AluK Design
Studio in London, on 4th
February, with 31 Members
attending to represent the
GGF Technical Groups,
Committees and Board
as well the GGF Regions/
Countries. 30 reports were
heard, from all different
parts of the Federation
with the main topics of dis-
cussion being; training for
the industry, compliance
with industry standards,
GGF governance and struc-
ture as well the Federa-
tion’s internal function and
how they can work more
held on January 28th,
focused on adding value
among insulating glass
manufacturers and saw
senior directors from
across the supply chain
discuss ways the industry
can promote the innova-
tion and quality that goes
into modern IGUs more
Sam Cross, account
director at Purplex com-
ments: “The reality for IGU
manufacturers is they are
producing better quality
than ever before, but their
products are often com-
moditised. There is a clear
lack of awareness of the
facturer in Europe. I want
to take this opportunity to
thank our dedicated staff,
and our fantastic custom-
ers, without whom none
of this would’ve been
GGF Members
air views at
Chairpersons’ Forum
Document Q, so is suita-
ble for use in new build
homes, something that
opens up significant oppor-
tunities for Stellar fabrica-
tors and installers.
Achieving the BSI BS
4873 Kitemark for an Al-
uminium Window System
Supplier demonstrates Stel-
lar meets exacting design,
construction and perfor-
mance requirements.
Adrian Crutchley, Ac-
creditations Manager at
Epwin Window Systems,
said: “Delivering outstand-
ing security and quality
was an essential part of
Stellar’s remit and built in
from the start. These new
accreditations prove that
we’ve more than achieved
the high levels we set our-
Glass industry leaders discuss how to
add more value at ‘Purplex Debate’
The ‘Purplex Debate’,
Group Managing Direc-
tor Andy Jones comment-
ed: “It’s incredibly reward-
ing to be recognised by
the region that’s given so
much, and consistently
supported us as we’ve
grown to become the big-
gest sash window manu-
innovation that goes into
modern glass units, and we
discussed ways the indus-
try can create more value
and ultimately help IGU
companies achieve better
Those attending includ-
ed directors from Energy
Saving Glass, Double R
Glass and Roofing Systems,
Euroview Architectural
Glass, N&C Glass, Edgetech
and Hodgson Sealants.
Purplex will be hosting
further roundtable debates
throughout the year – if
you are interested in taking
part or learning more
please contact: grow@
effectively for the Member-
Chairman, Greg O’Dono-
ghue added, “It was a very
successful day and the com-
mitment and passion from
GGF Members was clearly
in evidence with more than
90% of the GGF’s Chairs in
attendance. I would like to
thank them for making the
effort and time to attend
this meeting and for their
contribution to the discus-
sions. This event can only
make the GGF more unified
and transparent for Mem-
bers, regardless of their
size, status or location.”