Pro Installer March 2020 - Issue 84 | Page 21

MARCH 2020 | 21 News Read online at DOOR AND HARDWARE FEDERATION (DHF) REFLECTS UPON 2019 AS ONE OF ITS MOST SUCCESSFUL YEARS Tamworth-based trade association, the Door and Hardware Federation (DHF), is reflecting on what has been one of its most successful years to date. In 2015, the pro-active federation had under 300 members on its books, but the past five years in particular, has seen considerable growth across every area of the organisation; today, it has more than 500 members. Highlights from 2019 include: A successful collaboration with Secured by Design (SBD) and the Fire Industry Associa- tion (FIA) in March, to publish a joint document on fire safety. The publication: A Guide for Selecting Flat Entrance Door- sets; A publication for housing associations, landlords, building owners and local authorities in England, brings together the best industry advice in one straightfor- ward document, highlighting the fundamental issues of fire safety and security for those selecting fire doorsets and enabling greater clarity in an increasingly complex market. It goes without saying that DHF’s voice has been one of the most effective in its drive for third-party certification of manu- facture, installation, maintenance and inspection of fire, smoke and security doorsets. In the past year ‘ alone, nearly 1000 people have been trained by DHF ’ Continuing to lead the indus- try through training. In the past year alone, nearly 1000 people have been trained by DHF, with more than 450 candidates attend- ing the two-day safety diploma courses and the same number of learners opting for the Level 2 Award one-day safety training courses. In 2019, 100 inspection and installation of metal or tim- ber fire door courses were held in conjunction with BRE Acade- my. More than 3200 individuals have now completed at least one of DHF’s safety training courses, whether a diploma or Award course. In July, it announced the launch of its first one-day public Automated Gate Group Level 2 Award Course in Ireland. DHF ‘set the industry stand- ard’ in July, by becoming the very first UK organisation to offer an official theory-based qualifi- cation for three of the industries it serves. The one-day ABBE-ac- credited Level 2 Award for those working in the automated gate, industrial door and domestic garage door sectors, is approved and regulated by Ofqual, the Government Office of Examina- tion Regulation. ABBE (Awarding Body of the Built Environment) is the UK’s leading awarding organ- isation providing qualifications for the built environment. Qual- ifications are offered through its network of assessment centres, approved against a set of national criteria, laid down by Ofqual, the regulator of qualifications, tests and examinations in England. The launch of CSCS cards in November in collaboration with the Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA). Whilst not a legislative requirement, CSCS cards provide evidence that indi- viduals working on construction sites have the relevant training and qualifications for the job that they are doing. The CSCS card offered by DHF is for anyone who needs to access a construc- tion site to work specifically with industrial doors, domestic garage doors, automated gates & traffic barriers and metal or timber fire doors and is an important step toward a safer and more compli- ant industry. Bob Perry, CEO, DHF during commitment to training, and supporting our members through challenging legislation has helped to underpin our rep- utation as a centre of excellence. Raising standards and promoting best practice through training and compliance will always be our number one priority. We look forward to developing these initiatives even further as 2020 progresses.” DHF – A brief history: “There is little doubt that DHF’s accomplishments in 2019 have been achieved as a result of its hands-on team, and the expertise and efforts of the fed- eration’s staff,” says DHF’s CEO, Bob Perry. “In 2019, we expand- ed the workforce to 13 employ- ees (plus five consultants) and raised our profile in the industry and the press. In October, we an- nounced the arrival of two new team members: Craig Wilde, who has joined as the new Member- ship Manager, and new Senior Training & Compliance Officer, Steve Hill, taking the training and technical advice team to three. A four-strong administra- tion team continues to support Commercial Manager, Patricia Sowsbery-Stevens, General Manager and Secretary, Michael Skelding and Administration Manager, Kay Scattergood.” “DHF continues to flourish year-on-year and 2019 was no exception,” concludes Bob. “A strong and highly skilled team, innovative industry ‘firsts’, an en- DHF was formed in 1897 and was initially named the ‘Brass Masters Association’. Its earli- est goals were to establish fair wages and conditions. More than 120 years later, DHF remains a leading independent voice of authority in the following areas: locks & building hardware, doorsets, industrial doors & shut- ters, domestic garage doors and automated gates. With such a rich history and heritage, the organisation’s deep-rooted industry reputation has taken years to unfold. Sus- taining this is the value it offers it members, an unrivalled quality of training, and an enviable team of the industry’s finest experts and professional consultants who choose to work there. DHF remains the UK’s leading independent authority in the areas it serves and goes ‘above and beyond’ in lobbying for greater standards of safety, with national campaigns such as ‘Gate Safety Month’. DHF has effected change.