Pro Installer March 2019 - Issue 72 | Page 28

28 | MARCH 2019 Installer Support Proud sponsors of the Installer Support feature A NEW ERA FOR INSTALLERS Key points Hardware and home security specialist ERA has announced its key focus for 2019. Furthermore, the brand – which has been providing ‘Total Security’ since 1838 – has partnered up with the Clearview Group (that’s Clearview, PRO Installer, and The Locksmith Journal) to make this exciting announcement. And, while many will be thinking such a big push must mean that there is a new piece of equipment or product that ERA would like you to buy; the reality is quite different. This year, the key focus is YOU. Specifically, how ERA can help you: the installer, you: the locksmith, you: the security specialist, to get up to speed with all the latest mechanical and smart- ware lines – that’s installing them and selling them – to boost your business, to better your skills, and to see your profit margins soar. Starter package includes: • Beanie hat • ERA clipboard/pens • Van decals (appropriate to the products you will be selling/ installing) • Freepost feedback forms (for the homeowners to send back to ERA) Extras provided when installer has 5 ratings of 5 stars (worth £140) • • • • The ERA Installer Scheme: WHAT is it? In a nutshell, the new ERA In- staller Scheme will allow security specialists, installers, and lock- smiths to participate in a well-pub- licised and properly supported scheme that will provide free training on the full features and benefits of traditional/mechanical and smartware products, namely HomeGuard and DoroCam, from ERA, including how to install them correctly and set them up with a customer. ERA will also support installer members with good quality leads through Find An Installer, marketing materials such as uniforms, van livery, stationery, and more; plus, exclusive special offers and ‘first look’ priority at new lines, with beta testing oppor- tunities as and when they arise. Last but not least, ERA will help to get those all-important leads for homeowners looking for the best installers that sell and set up the best security products to protect their property and keep their fami- ly safe and sound. • Free and easy to sign up • Go to the ERA Installer Scheme page • Are you an installer for Security Hardware, Smartware or both? • Are you a MLA Approved member? (entering MLA number will add a logo to their personalised page) • Choose the radius you want to cover for work, which will drive the postcode search results • Customise your page with information about their company and specialisms • Select the colour and size of the branded uniform you require • That’s it. Tania Tams, Head of Marketing for ERA says: “We’re putting the ‘middle man’ back into it, which may sound a bit backwards, but it really is the best way for many installers to move forward with their business, especially smaller outfits and one-man-bands. When a homeowner wants an ERA product, we will match them up to an installer in their area. The installer will be fully-trained in the product, and can price up the job as normal. ERA is the matchmaker. We are investing heavily in the promotion of our installer network on both a local and a national lev- el, so – on top of support from the ‘top down’ in the form of install- er support helplines, marketing materials, product training and promotions – installers will also be getting those all-important grass roots contacts as we match home and business owners with local installation companies.” Sweatshirt Polo shirts x 2 Jacket All above branded with ERA Installer logo and your company’s badge/insignia. TRADITIONAL or SMARTWARE Most importantly, where in the past, the ERA Approved Partner scheme was only available to MLA members, the new ERA Install- er Scheme has opened up the window of opportunity to a much wider audience. This means that businesses of any size will now be able tobuy directly from ERA, locksmiths and security specialists at any level will be entitled to free training courses, and installers at any part of the food chain will be able to affiliate themselves with one of the industry’s best known and well-respected security brands. It really is a new ERA for installers. • You don’t have to choose just one, you can sign up for both. • These can be displayed on your vans, websites, in marketing literature, etc. • Free training sessions are provided in the Smartware product line so you can be confident and competent with installation, and set up. • Never be afraid to upsell again. WHY is ERA launching a new Installer Scheme? ERA has made its focus for 2019 the installer, because it knows they are key to linking the ERA brand with the homeowner. Secu- rity-conscious consumers rely on well-informed installers to safe- guard their residential and com- mercial properties and possessions with the best possible product. By making sure that installers are confident and competent with all the latest smartware technology – and mechanical security hardware – ERA knows that locksmiths, installers, and security specialists will pick their product over that of a competitor. Tania Tams continues: “ERA wants to make it easier for install- ers to specify, supply, sell, and set up its products. As smartware is becoming increasingly sought after, too many locksmiths and installers have been left behind as they don’t have the time or the money to attend extensive and