JANUARY 2018 | 33
GGF News
Read online at www.proinstaller.co.uk
The Glass and Glazing
Federation (GGF) was
cautiously optimistic in
response to housebuilding
announcements made at
the 2017 Budget. Despite
the government’s focus on
housebuilding, the GGF be-
lieves more action is needed
to ensure the UK meets the
target of building 300,000
homes per year. The GGF
was also disappointed the
Budget contained no meas-
ures to increase the ener-
gy efficiency of the UK’s
homes, some of the worst
performing in Europe.
When voting closed in
Governments of all col-
ours have proposed speed-
ing up the planning process
and unlocking public sector
land, but the UK’s house-
building rate has remained
well below target over the
last decade. Therefore, the
GGF does not expect to see
a sudden surge in house-
building, particularly at a
time when confidence in the
construction sector in the
year ahead dropped to its
lowest level since December
The lack of a ‘Whole
House Approach’
All housebuilding pro-
grammes should be centred
on a ‘Whole House Ap-
proach’ to ensure new and
existing homes are energy
efficient and can keep
people warm during winter.
The GGF was disappointed
the government failed to
include measures to ensure
housing stock is energy
the national round of the
MyGlazing.com Window
with a View competition,
it revealed an outstanding
shortlist made up of 11
finalists. The incredibly
close public vote chose
Tower Bridge in London as
the winner of the compe-
Despite some fierce com-
petition from runners up
The Lighthouse, Glasgow,
and Emirates Spinnaker in
Portsmouth, the stunning
view from London’s Tower
Bridge eventually took the
national crown.
Tower Bridge’s Window
with a View-winning glass
floor is 11 metres long, 1.8
metres wide and made up
of laminated glass panels
weighing 530kg each.
There’s one on each of
the attraction’s high-level
walkways, overlooking one
of the most famous bridg-
es in the world but also
providing a spectacular
bird’s eye view of London
life from above the River
In just its second year,
the Window with a View
competition has gathered
real momentum and has
now become an excellent
feature on the GGF’s con-
sumer website MyGlazing.
Lifetime Achievement Award
It was a memorable evening
at the G17 Awards at Park Lane
Hilton as Greg O’Donoghue re-
ceived The GGF Lifetime Achieve-
ment Award for his outstanding
contribution to the industry.
am truly stunned but delighted
“ to I have
won this award ”
As well as being major sponsors
for the event the GGF decided
to mark its 40th anniversary year
with this special Lifetime Achieve-
ment Award.
Given his exceptional list of
achievements for the industry such
as being a co-founder of FENSA
- the competent persons’ scheme,
and ensuring glazing was included
in the TrustMark scheme, Greg
deservedly won the award after 35
years in the industry.
In 2000, Greg was elected GGF
President and then in 2002 as
Chairman of FENSA he negotiated
with government to bring about
legislative change which has
proved to be for the benefit of the
entire industry and consumers.
On winning the award Greg
commented: “I am truly stunned
but delighted to have won this