Pro Installer December 2019 - Issue 81 | Page 43

SYSTEMS SYSTEMS Deciphering Deciphering 'DYH·VQRWHV 'DYH·VQRWHV is a thing is of a thing of WKHSDVW WKHSDVW AdminBase ® now introduces a suite of mobile AdminBase now introduces a suite of mobile apps designed for installation companies apps designed for installation companies making it the most complete management making it the most complete management VRIWZDUH\RXZLOOÀQG VRIWZDUH\RXZLOOÀQG 1RPRUHKDQGZULWWHQFRQWUDFWVVXUYH\VÀWWHU·V 1RPRUHKDQGZULWWHQFRQWUDFWVVXUYH\VÀWWHU·V packs or service calls – do away with paperwork, packs or service calls – do away with paperwork, GXSOLFDWLRQDQGLQGHFLSKHUDEOHQRWHV GXSOLFDWLRQDQGLQGHFLSKHUDEOHQRWHV Everything in one place – AdminBase ®  ® Everything in one place – AdminBase  ® SA L ES S U RV E Y FITTING SA L ES S U RV E Y S E RV I C E FITTING S E RV I C E &DOOXVWRGD\WRÀQGRXWZKDW$GPLQ%DVH ® &DOOXVWRGD\WRÀQGRXWZKDW$GPLQ%DVH ® can do for you: can do for you: 01283 551005 01283 551005 DGPLQEDVHFRXN DGPLQEDVHFRXN ® ® FEEL IN CONTROL FEEL IN CONTROL