PRME SIP Report 2019/20 | Page 16



Promoting student involvement in activities outside the classroom is a core part of the School of Business strategy to extend the values of responsible management from the classroom to practice .
Crowned Global Champion by Maybank Sina Amini , Bachelor of Business and Commerce
Adding Value through Sustainability Education Sumaita Afifa Ahmed , Bachelor of Business and Commerce ( Honours )
Curious about sustainability , Sumaita enrolled in the fi nal year capstone unit ‘ Ethics & Sustainability in a Business Environment ’. Having founded a footwear company in her home of Bangladesh , Sumaita found the unit crucial to develop her understanding around issues and challenges of sustainable fashion . The unit provided insights and valuable learning opportunities for her to develop business and marketing plans on Responsible Consumption and Production under SDG 12 . Sumaita also sought the opportunity to connect and network with one of the guest speakers invited to her class , and later bagged an internship opportunity to work on management of SDG scorecard data . Eager to combine sustainability with her passion , Sumaita is currently pursuing an Honours degree on Customers ’ Purchase Intention of Sustainable Footwear .
At the age of 20 , Sina co-founded a restaurant aggregator startup in Iran . He took on multiple roles in the company , from CEO , accountant to data analyst . He interned for HealthMetrics , a Malaysian startup , and for Deloitte and Maybank . He worked as a research assistant at Monash , and joined several data science , social entrepreneurship and leadership conferences , including the Global Leadership Experience organised by Common Purpose and the Monash Warwick Alliance . In 2019 , he was crowned the Global Champion of the Maybank GO Ahead Challenge , besting more than 35,000 participants from around the world for the title . Aimed at providing participants with a fi rst-hand encounter with growing and sustaining a business in challenging environments , the Global Finals provided fi nalists the opportunity to manage the full business cycle of companies from various industries .

As an intern with Bluenumber Foundation , I managed the B # -SDG Scorecard Report which tracks and measures SDGs from a benefi ciarycentric perspective . Bluenumber helped me develop the skill to be able to recognize and identify the different multidimensional perspectives that are used for social reporting using SDG ’ s as a benchmark . Such involvement enhanced my understanding of ethics and sustainability in a business environment and motivated me to pursue my honours research thesis in sustainability .

– Sumaita Ahmed Intern at Bluenumber Foundation