Printed Post volume 16 | Page 5

The pegging of the Bra
Relax at Robbo ’ s “ We ’ ve got it all .”
Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20

The pegging of the Bra

Ladies were asked to bring an old bra with them to the Breast Screen evening . A procession of bra wielding women then proceeded to peg their bra / s to the line .
The evening supported “ Project Uplift ” which collects bras for disadvantaged women in isolated Indigenous Australian Communities , in the Philippines and in the Solomon Islands . For one of these women , an unwanted bra may be the only one she ’ ll own , and it could even help her dress for a job interview .

Relax at Robbo ’ s “ We ’ ve got it all .”

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Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20

For support and information on cancer and cancer related issues call the cancer helpline . This is a free and confidential service .
Or visit the website : www . cancercouncil . com . au

Robertson ’ s Hot Bread Kitchen

02 6993 1130 For your orders Mob : 0429 931 922 www . robertsonshotbread . com . au