Printed Post volume 16 | Page 12

Bowlo Bowls Carnival

The Hay Bowling Club held a successful annual carnival over the June Long Weekend . Bowlers from far and wide flocked to Hay , filling the rinks over the four day event . The rinks were in great condition and competition was fierce
Scott Donaldson , Stanhope , enjoying Sunday Bowls . Scott says , “ Saturday is very serious , but Sunday is more laid back .”
Sunshades and beanies were the order of the day when the mornings were cool and sunny , turning warm as the day wore on .
A bit of fun after the serious competition is over for the day . Skittles takes skill : take out as many pins as you can but a bowl in the ditch is disqualified .
At the end of the day the bookwork needs to be done . Three months of hard work led to a very successful Bowls Carnival .
Saturday and Sunday ‘ Riverina Lawn Bowls Shop ’ from Echuca had his mobile showroom onsite . Bowls , clothes and equipment were on display .