Printed Post issue 22 | Page 12

Facebook page acknowledges your efforts Anthony Slattery has been awarded the ‘Great Things About Hay and it’s People’ award for October. The face book page calls for nominations to recognise and show appreciation of, service and citizenship from business’ and individuals in our community. ‘Slatts’ received numerous nomination for the fabulous work he does, and the enjoyment he gives with his fireworks displays. The fireworks display at Hay’s Party in the Park saw another memorable fireworks display from Anthony Slattery Fireworks. The group on the left came well prepared to enjoy the spectacular. SHEARERS HALL OF FAME AT SHEAR OUTBACK OPEN 9AM - 5PM DAILY SHEARING DEMONSTRATIONS 10.30AM / 1PM / 3.30PM DAILY Junction of the Stur t and Cobb Highways Hay in the Riverina SHEAR HERITAGE SHEAR CULTURE SHEAR FUN 2711 residents free entry All visitors are required to pay entry Adults $15 Concession $13 Children (under12) $8 Family $35 12