Printed Post issue 22 | Page 11

362 Church Street, Hay Big enough to do the job Small enough for personal service Tony wishes to advise he has Real Estate Listings in the front window of ‘The Printed Post’ Megan Griffiths, Jack Hanna and Tara Dixon at the launch of the 2014 fundraising calendar. Specialising in Livestock, Wool, Water Sales, Clearing Sales & Property Sales Calendar for Cancer Megan Griffiths and Tara Dixon launched a calendar raising funds for breast and ovarian Cancer Research at the Old Fire Station, Lachlan Street, on 7th December. Ring Tony Nineteen of Hay’s finest male specimens, stripped to the waist, posing for the camera at locations around Hay. The calendar is a limited edition and retails for $15. If you missed out the girls still have a few left. for good service - any hour Ph/Fax: 02 6993 1518 Mob: 0418 473 965 E: [email protected] ANTONAKAS HARDWARE Wish you all And a The calendar received a lot of interest at the launch in Lachlan Street. Sally Weymouth was the first of many, eager to support the fundraising effort. We will be closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day New Years Day OPEN Sat & Sun 9am - 1pm 135 Lachlan St, Hay Ph: 02 6993 1625 A/H: 02 6993 3417 E: [email protected] 11