Busy time for CWA
The Hay Branch of CWA once again
held the Devonshire Tea stand, at the
Hay Show on 14th and 15th September
2013. A steady stream of visitors
enjoyed fresh baked scones with
cream and jam with their cup of tea or
coffee. Information was also available
for those interested in joining the CWA.
Women of all ages are welcome to join
and meetings are held on the last
Friday of each month at the RSL
Rooms, in the Library complex, at
Penny Bolitho and President, Gwenda
McNamara, with a fresh batch of
scones at the Hay Show.
Over three days the CWA worked hard
setting up and attending the stall, with
help and patience from husbands and
families. Proceeds from CWA functions
help to benefit the Hay Community.
Next on the agenda for members is the
Annual Flower Show to be held at the
Hay Services Club on the 12th
Lee Casperson
Tip for floral arrangements:
Oasis foam will help your arrangement
hold its shape. Before use, soak the
foam in a pail of water until it barely
floats. Cut apiece to of foam fit the
container tightly and force it into place;
the container should be mostly filled
with the foam. Cut off a small piece of
the corner of the foam so that water
may be added to the arrangement later
as needed. Fill the container with
Something a bit different this year is
the ‘Most Outstanding Front Garden’
competition, which will be judged the
week before the Flower Show. Judging
will take place from the street and no
entry is required. The winner of the
Hay Shire Council sponsored award
will be announced and awarded at the
Entries will be taken between 2.00 pm
to 4.00pm Friday 11th October , and
7.30 am to 9.30am on day of Show,
12th October. Cost per entry is 50
cents. Admission to the show is from
12pm to 4pm. The admission fee of $5
covers a lovely afternoon tea and a
talk from a guest speaker.
Tony McNamara lent the ladies a
Bronwyn Turner