Printed Post issue 19 | Page 7

lady (publican) that broke her neck when she fell down the cellar. She guards the bar & will not allow a radio on until after 11am. Her daughter & her baby. There is also a small boy probably handicapped who creates havoc in the bathroom. Other paranormal activities in Hay: ??A local mother had a girl and boy ghost visiting her rented house. When she moved the spirit children went with the family. ??The old Caledonian had a regular ghost that would walk thru the bar doors and down the hall to the showers. ??Uardry had a resident spirit at the 8 mile cottage. ??Wyvern’s ‘Strand’ house had a regular visitor by way of a crying baby and one psychic that visited the house was woken in the middle of the night by a distraught mother and Jackeroos camping near the house felt ‘very unwelcome’. ??The old Terminus Hotel has its fair share of stories, including: an old guy who lived there during WW2. The old ??And the Goal—”we used to live across f ??H][??H?[??Y[??Y??[??Y???[?[??X??][??\?KH?]?\?Z?Y??H?YH[?B?]?Y? ??'B??[?X\??[?\????[?HY?YY]H??[??H][?[??] B?^Z[?Y][?H??&]]?H?YB?]HX?H??\?]] ?Y?[?H]?HB????????X?[??H?Z[[????X?H^H?[?]\??Y?\?X] ?B?\??H?H?Z[[????[?\?Z[?B??Y??\?]?????Y[[????\?B?\????X]Y?]Y?H[??YHH??[ ??X[?H[?H]?HZY?Z[H?B??\?H[???Y??X?H?Y[[???[???\?][??H\??][??[ ?X\??[??^\?]\?[??H?Y??Y??\??\?HX\??H?[[??\???X??[??\]Z\Y[???X??Y??[??[?H?]??[???Z]??]?X????YH?\?H?X\??]\??H?X??[???????\?H????\?HZ?[?X??]???X???\\??Y\?^H M???\ ?]????X?HH?[??H??\??[???\?K?]?]Y?]??? ????????[????Y\?K???]\??\?X?Y]\?\??H?B???X???X??\????[?]?X\??[[?H?X?K?????]X?YY???]?HH?[[??Z?HH?\]?H?Y?H\?[??[??\?Y?][??H?\??Y[B?]???[??H??Y][???X?[??[B?[?H??X?H?\?X\????]??'?]??]8?'H H\??\?H]?\??Y?[??Y??]?H?Y[??X??Y ???H??X?[????X??]H?[HXZ?\???Z[H?\????][H\?[??H?Y? ????Y??HHX[H\??]?Y[H????\?H[?X?K?]\X\??]???Y][YH\?[??H?Y?H???\??[[?Y???H?H?H????H?\?\???\?H???]H?[H?]?[???^\?]\?H????\???[?[?H?[?????\ ?????