Early Birds
Shutter Bugs
Andrew Chapman is a former newspaper and magazine
journalist, published author and photography judge at the
Hay Show this year. He is also an early riser.
Staying in Hay for a couple of weeks, Andrew was happy to
run a photography class at Sandy Point. The invitation was
sent out from Hay Shutterbugs and camera enthusiasts
were eager to wake before the sun rose for an early
morning talk.
Concentrating on DOF (depth of field, to get sharp or blurry
backgrounds) apertures (how open the lens is), light and
relaxed posing, the group clicked away at each other, trying
to perfect what they learned.
“An expensive camera is not necessary to take great shots”,
says Andrew, “Imagination, an understanding of your
camera and practice make great photos.”
The Hay Shutter Bugs club caters for photography
enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. New members,
regardless of experience are always welcome to join.
362 Church Street, Hay
Big enough to do the job
Small enough for personal service
The annual subscription is $30 for adult members and $10
for junior members (up to 16 years). Membership is payable
to the club Treasurer by the 31 October of each year.
Tony wishes to advise he has
Real Estate
For more information contact:
Hay Shutterbugs Incorporated
PO Box 56, Hay NSW 2711
in the front window of
Email: [email protected]
‘The Printed Post’
Specialising in Livestock, Wool,
Water Sales, Clearing Sales &
Property Sales
Ring Tony
for good service - any hour
Ph/Fax: 02 6993 1518
Mob: 0418 473 965
E: [email protected]