Printed Post issue 19 | Page 10

September Lion’s Market Success Ethel O’Donnell was well prepared for the beautiful weather on the day of the Lion’s September Markets: One of the biggest markets for a while. Next year marks the start of 10 years for the Hay Lion’s Service Club’s involvement with the popular markets at the Hay Lions Park. Balloons inside balloons. Something different at the Lion’s market. Some stall holders were on there way to the Pretty Pine markets on Father’s Day, so Hay shoppers received the benefit of ‘something different’. Dawn Mathews at the shoe stall. The next Lion’s Markets will be held on November 30th. Mary had a little lamb, well maybe not, but she wanted this one. Marg Beckwith inspects one of Megan Griffiths unusual resin and candy b ????5?????e???????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????A??????)???????????????1????e????????????????????)9?????????????????????????????????????()!????????????)!???????????????)I????????????)A???????()5???e??????(???????????)????????????????((??((0