Peter Dwyer, Jack Terblanche, Minister Humphries and Hays new Doctor: Dr. Surendra Khanal
CASE model going interstate
South Australian Minister, John Dawkins, Liberal Spokesman for Suicide Prevention, recently visited Hay to speak with Peter Dwyer and Peter Casperson about CASE (Community Action 4 Suicide Elimination). Prior to his election to Parliment, John was a primary producer and understands the pressure faced by country people. His mission in Hay was to find out how CASE operates, with a view to helping establish similar community based programs in his home state.
Mental Health on the agenda
A National Health Commission Report Card in 2012, recommended governments around Australia need to effectively partner with community organisations to set up early intervention programs in suicide prevention. Minister for Mental Health, Kevin Humphries, visited Hay and attended a dinner at the Services Club recently, where representatives of local health services, emergency services, council, religious leaders, help services and CASE had the chance to voice their concerns about Mental Health treatment in Hay. Mr. Humphries, who is the country member for the Cobar/Moree area, understands the problems faced by rural communities, especially where mental health is concerned. He informed those at the dinner that when he was in opposition (Government) he proposed that mental health should be a stand alone health issue and not lumped in with all other health issues - which has now happened. It was brought to the Ministers attention that communities like Hay need more help than they are getting. Although some services do visit the town, often it is up to patients to travel long distances to get the assistance and attention they need. Robert Marmont voiced his frustration at long waiting lists saying, “... People need help then and there, not in two weeks when they can get an appointment and phones calls aren’t always the way to go.” The minister was sympathetic and said he had learned a lot from the meeting. Avinash Vazirani, attended the meeting with the team from Japps Pharmacy. Avinash was in Hay for a week as relief pharmacist.
Community Action 4 Suicide Elimination A HAY INITIATIVE
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1800 201 123