The Money Goes Out Of Town !!!!
Can any one adult that lives in Hay honestly say they are UNABLE to name 2 people that have been diagnosed with CANCER ? I write this as a citizen of Hay on behalf of no-one other than me : my thoughts & my opinion alone ; though many may agree with me . I have been a registered Volunteer of the NSW Cancer Council for over 15 years . Over this time I have never felt the need to write as I do today . I became a Volunteer , not because I have had been diagnosed with cancer nor have any of my immediate family . Luckily for my family & me , the situation is just the same 15 years later . I just wish that I could say the same for my extended family , friends , co-workers & the other wonderful people of Hay . Hay has one of the highest incidents of Cancer in NSW , so take a moment to REMEMBER those that we have lost to cancer over the years . Imagine how wonderful life would be if they were still with us . Now think about all those in Hay & beyond that you know , who are Survivors of Cancer . Now take a moment to think about how life would be for you , & their families , if there had not been the research funding available which brought about their remission . Or them never hearing the words from their Oncologist “ You are clear of Cancer ”. Statistics in Australia today are : 1 in 3 women in Australia will be diagnosed with Cancer before they are 85 , imagine a third of all the women in Hay diagnosed with some form of Cancer . 1 in 2 men in Australia will be diagnosed with Cancer before they are 85 , now also imagine half of the men in Hay diagnosed with some form of Cancer ! Thanks to research , 90 % of parents who hear the words “ your child has leukaemia ” will now see their child survive their prognosis . Twenty years ago , this would not have been a reality . By supporting all researchers and their innovative approaches when they need it the most , lifesaving breakthroughs and real progress have been achieved . With every hour of research funded , researchers are one step closer to finding a cure for any one of the many types of Cancer . Hay would have to be one of the most amazing communities when it comes to raising money for those who need it . But how would we continue to raise funds to support those diagnosed with Cancer , if just under half of our diminishing community is Fighting the Fight ? What HOPE would we have ? This is why I have been involved with raising funds THAT GO OUT OF TOWN for the last 15 years . I want to help find a CURE for Cancer & I want to give HOPE to those who have been diagnosed , that there is continuing funds available for RESEARCH ; so that their treatment is the best there can be for them & that there still is a chance for a CURE to be found . Relay For Life is not just about raising money to send out of town : it ’ s for that all-important research to stop this insidious disease in its tracks . Relay For Life is a time for any Community to come together as one for one cause . CELEBRATE those who are fighting , REMEMBER those who have fought & FIGHTBACK to give HOPE us to all : that one day there may be a CURE ! Kerry Aldred 359 Lang Street Hay 2711
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