And a Special Birthday
Soccer Celebrates Mothers Day
And a Special Birthday
Sausages sizzling on the BBQ , ice cooling the cordial and a special surprise sat hidden in its basket as all junior soccer players took to the field on Mothers Day . After warm ups it was decided to have the mini players join the juniors in a game of round ball .
Skills have improved over the course of the season and the mini players got to put theirs to use . Junior players are to be commended for the care they took of the younger players .
won the game , although both sides will claim victory , as parents tested their own skills against a well schooled side which from the sideline looked a little over populated .
Soccer is a game of skill and discipline . The children showed plenty of both as the referee missed quite a few parental infringements . Parents have vowed to put in some practice before the Fathers Day game in September .
After the main game a surprise for Bill Pearson when a birthday cake was produced . Eyes like saucers the kids wished Bill all the best and before once again took to the playing field . This time for a game against the Mothers , Aunts , Grandmothers and a few ring in Fathers and Grandfathers . It is unlikely that anyone knows who
Parents enjoyed a sausage sizzle after the gam against a more practiced junior / mini team at the Annual Mothers Day Soccer Match .
Every Sunday 10am - 12 Noon
Registrations will be taken before the game
$ 25 one child $ 30 per family
Committee meeting 2nd Tuesday of every month 4pm