Printed Post issue 15 | Page 14

Relay For Life Launch
Dougal the bear attended the launch the Bi-annual Relay For Life fundraising activities on Saturday 11th May . Held in Lachlan Street , passersby were treated to a sausage sizzle and free balloons and flags , as well as gaining insight into the relay . At least one team registered with more showing interest in the event .
What is Relay For Life ?
Relay For Life is an overnight community event where teams of 10- 15 participants take turns to walk ( or run ) around a specific area , to raise funds for the Cancer Council .
When and where is it ?
3pm – Saturday 21 st September to 9.30am Sunday 22 nd September at the Lion Club AFL Oval
How can I help ?
The Hay Relay For Life committee welcomes additional members and anyone interested is invited to contact : Janine 0429 631 532 or
Kerry 0458 931 958 E : hayrelayforlife @ hotmail . com Annabel MacDonald : 02 6937 2600
E : annabelmc @ nswcc . org . au Or visit relayforlife . org . au
Registration forms available at Rodwells and Hay printers .
You could also volunteer for the organising committee
Volunteer to help out over the course of the walk
Make a donation or become a sponsor ( cash , product or services )
How does it all work ?
Each team member sign up and pays their $ 15 registration fee per person ($ 20 after 20 th July so get in quick )
Teams hold fundraising events in the lead up to the Relay .
On the day - set up your campsite and take turns walking around the oval .
Team Information nights will be held on :
♦Wednesday 3 rd July 7pm Hay Services Club
♦Wednesday 14 th August 7pm Hay Services Club
♦Wednesday 4 th September 7pm Hay Services Club
♦Wednesday 18 th September 7pm Hay Services Club
Raffle prize for Relay For Life : each registered team will receive a book of tickets and sales go towards the teams fund raising total .
How can I raise funds ?
Fundraising can be as simple as taking donations from friends and work colleagues , a raffle , trivia night or cake stall . When your team is registered you will receive a Fundraising booklet filled with tips to help make fundraising fun and easy .
Where are the funds going ?
Every dollar raised at the Relay For Life helps the Cancer Council to
• Investigate new ways to prevent , detect and treat cancers
• Educate people in our community about ways we can reduce our cancer risk
• Advocate for cancer control and influence government policy
• Support people during their times of greatest need
Ed ’ s note : If you are looking for a team to join ‘ Team Post ’ will welcome you into their group . Contact Sue Johnston 6993 2016
Dougal and his friends went for a walk to say hello to children .