Printed Post issue 15 | Page 11

131 114
1800 011 511
1800 800 944
NSW Rural Mental Health Support Line 1800 201 123
Sussan Ley and Marg Treloar .
Tribute to a good man
A small ceremony was held at Treloar ’ s Coffee shop , on Happy Hay Day , to unveil a plague commemorating the life of a tireless worker within our community , John Treloar .
“ A man who gave his heart and soul to Hay ,” according to Peter Dwyer , “ John was a great supporter of CASE as well as a man who went above and beyond the call of duty for the community ”.
The bike John rode in many charity events has been placed above the plaque .
Right : Healthy Hay and MMLL stall . Health can affect emotions . The girls had a table with pamphlets and information .
Sussan Ley and John Williams unveil the plaque .
Andrew Pearson , M . C , at the Happy Hay Day celebrations . Andrew is the designer of the CASE web page : casehay . weebly . com
Libby Baldwin and ‘ Rosco ’ went to a lot of effort with their clown costumes . At least one member of the crowd didn ' t recognise them .
Community Action 4 Suicide Elimination A HAY INITIATIVE
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Jan Eames , Janice Dwyer and Gaylene Stephens . The raffle for CASE was drawn at the Happy Hay Day . The prize was a computer package generously donated by Gordon Honeyman .

NSW Rural Mental Health Support Line 1800 201 123

Google : casehay . weebly . com