Printed Material Sales Aids Reynolds Funerals Printed Material Sales Aid 2016 | Page 9

Multipage Mass / Funeral Booklets ( A5 )
Multipage Mass / Funeral Booklets traditionally have much more copy than standard Order of Service Booklets . This copy varies depending on the wishes of the Minister , Church or family members . This content is required to be delivered electronically to your consultant at least 48 hours prior to the funeral , to ensure time for design , printing and delivery to the funeral home .
Multipage Mass / Funeral Booklet ( front and back cover ) MB10
A Celebration of the Life and Love of
Born to this Life :
29 July 1934
Passed Away :
2 February 2019
Crematorium Chapel Belmont 10.00am Friday 12 January 2019
‘ I Will Remember You ’ - Sarah McLachlan
I will remember you , will you remember me ? Don ’ t let your life pass you by , Weep not for the memories Remember the good times that we had ? I let them slip away from us when things got bad . How clearly I first saw you smilin ’ in the sun Want to feel your warmth upon me I want to be the one .
I will remember you , will you remember me ? Don ’ t let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories .
I ’ m so tired but I can ’ t sleep Standin ’ on the edge of something much to deep It ’ s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word We are screaming inside , but we can ’ t be heard .
I will remember you , will you remember me ? Don ’ t let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories .
I ’ m so afraid to love you But more afraid to lose Clinging to a past that doesn ’ t let me choose Once there was a darkness Deep and endless night You gave me everything you had , oh you gave me life .
I will remember you , will you remember me ? Don ’ t let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories .
I will remember you , will you remember me ? Don ’ t let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories .
Multipage Mass / Funeral Booklet ( internal layout - first 2 pages ) These booklets can have a total of 8 , 12 , 16 or 20 pages of content