Printed Material Sales Aids Reynolds Funerals Printed Material Sales Aid 2016 | Page 10

Prayer Cards ( A7 )
The custom of distributing Prayer Cards , also called Holy Cards , is a centuries old tradition of the Catholic Church . We offer two sizes of Prayer Cards ; an A7 folded card with front , internals and back , and a double sided ‘ Pocket ’ Prayer Card with front and back , the same size as a standard business card ( 90mm x 55mm )
Example of Prayer Card front , internal and rear sides . PC01
Example of Pocket Prayer Card front and back . PPC03 . ( 90mm x 55mm ) - Standard business card size .

All of our Bookmarks can include a poem or verse on the reverse side and / or thank you and refreshment messages ( See pages 85-86 ). We have included towards the back of this book , examples of some poems / verses to choose from ( See pages 74-84 ) or alternatively they can be replaced by your personal selection . Please advise your Funeral Consultant of your choice and remember to specify the author . ( 210mm x 70mm ) celebrating the life of michael

‘ mike ’ voss

23 october 1989 - 21 march 2019
Example of Bookmark front and rear sides OOS126 .