PrimeTime Magazine PrimeTime Winter 2017 | Page 28

Un nouveau complexe de retraite à Moncton Le Pavillon Cormier ouvrira ses portes le 1 er décembre. Nous acceptons maintenant les dépôts de garantie! Au Pavillon Cormier, les plans flexibles du service exclusif Hospitalité plus vous permettent de vivre indépendamment, tout en vous assurant de recevoir les soins dont vous avez besoin. Communiquez avec Susan Edgett, conseillère en mode de vie, au 506-384-7275 ou à [email protected] pour en savoir plus. Faubourg du Mascaret • 171, avenue Morton, Moncton • Preserving the Heritage of the YMCA for future generations. The YMCA of Greater Moncton has provided children, youth and families with a wide range of valuable programs and services since 1870. For 147 years, we’ve been inspired by the achievements of the children, youth and families we support on their journey towards better health – whether to become more physically fit, better connected to their communities, or equipped with the skills needed to achieve success in work and life. Including the YMCA in your estate or long-term financial planning lets your passion for improving the health of our community live on for future generations. YMCA Heritage Club The YMCA Heritage Club is comprised of individuals and families who believe strongly in the mission of the YMCA and help to preserve the good work of the YMCA through a direct gift or planned gift to the Greater Moncton YMCA Foundation Endowment Fund. As the Heritage Club membership grows, we know that our future becomes stronger, and that the YMCA Greater Moncton will always be here. We invite you to make the YMCA part of your legacy. For more information, contact: Bonnie MacFadyen [email protected] 857-0606 or visit Please note: We encourage you to consult your own legal/financial counsel in the development of your financial estate plans.