Moncton Down through the
Inter-Provincial Home for Young Women (c.1935)
The home served as a minimum security prison
for women between 1925 and 1972 in Riverview.
Le refuge interprovincial pour jeunes femmes (v. 1935)
Ce refuge a servi, entre 1925 et 1972 à Riverview, de prison
à sécurité minimale pour les femmes.
A photo taken from the top of the subway, at
the Main and Foundry Streets
intersection (c.1950)
Photo prise depuis le viaduc du train, à l’intersection
de la rue Main et de la rue
Foundry (v. 1950)
Main Street, looking west
(c.1939) Main Street at corner of Weldon Street, showing the
1111 Main Street building (c.1960)
La rue Main, en direction ouest
(v. 1939) L’édifice du 1111, rue Main, vue de la rue Main à
l’angle de la rue Weldon (v. 1960)
One-day conference featuring experts in the
field of arthritis and chronic health management
September 28 The Molson Canadian Centre
9:00 am to 3:30 pm 21 Casino Drive, Moncton
To register, please visit
Call 1-800-321-1433 or email [email protected] for more information.