PRIMA Spring 2023 | Page 6

E T C N E W S S P R I N G 2 0 2 3

ETC Briefs

Traci Dougherty , Past Chair
@ mindthedata _ gap
We were excited to see several committees within Excellence Through Classics gain new leadership appointments . These initiatives had originally been incorporated into the responsibilities of various Executive Committee Members but now will stand alone with the full support of standing committees .
Joining us as Awards Chair is Amy Bernard Mason , who teaches Latin at Ridgewood High School . In addition to teaching over 15 years , Amy volunteers her time on the National Latin Exam Committee , the American Classical League Merens Committee , and is working on a master ’ s degree in learning design and technology . Amy will be responsible for managing the application processes associated with ETC ’ s student and teacher awards . This year , she hopes to encourage more public school submissions for the Petrino Award and increase publicity around ETC ’ s awards .
Also joining us is PRIMA Writing Committee Chair Megan DeGraff- McMenamy , Upper School Latin teacher at The Pingry School . Prior to her appointment , Megan served as a volunteer on an earlier iteration of this same committee under various leadership . As chair , Megan will join the PRIMA Editorial Leadership team and work to support the PRIMA Editor Catherine Hayward . In addition to brainstorming issue content , themed content , and articles topics , Megan hopes to restore the surplus in the PRIMA article bank which will assist in streamlining production
Curriculum and ETC Live Chair Nicole Wellington will be passing the position of Resource Coordinator over to Jennifer Jarnagin . We thank Nicole for her leadership , dedication and service to so many of ETC ’ s initiatives . Jenn will serve as ETC ’ s Resource Coordinator . She has taught Latin at the secondary level for 13 years and is passionate about making Classics accessible to all students . As coordinator , Jennifer will serve on the Executive Committee and provide leadership to the Awards Committee , Curriculum Committee , ETC Live Committee , and PRIMA Writing Committee chairs . She will continue to support the contest liaisons as they develop resources to support ETC contests and students , as well as develop the curriculum work to support classroom teachers working with Latin novellas .
Traci Dougherty is proud to teach middle school Latin ( 6th-8th grade ) at Sandy Run Middle School . She runs the Latin Club and is co-sponsor of her PAJCL chapter . She serves on the American Classical League ' s Board of Governors and as Past Chair of Excellence Through Classics . In addition to Latin , she is passionate about educational technology and is a Kahoot Ambassador and Gimkit Hero .
Jennifer Jarnagin , Resource Coordinator
ETC Live continues to build on the momentum of the outstanding response from educators and students across the country .
There have been six new sessions this year , ranging from Greek and Roman mythology to dice games to cooking and chatting in Latin !
We also shared four earlier episodes to allow audiences a second chance to experience wonderful presentations on games , music and more !
Subscribers and their registered students have enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere on Zoom , riveting topics , and informative Q & As . Digital access afterward to the sessions has proven particularly useful for classroom implementation .
A subscription is $ 40.00 for members and $ 50.00 for non-ACL members .
Additional information and access to a few free sessions can be found by visiting your ACL profile page .
CALL FOR SESSIONS : We are always looking for engaging presenters ! If you are interested in leading an ETC Live webinar ( or have a recommendation for us ), please email interim chair Nicole Wellington at etclive @ etclassics . org .
Please keep an eye out for registration information ! We have several exciting presentations planned for the new year and some additional updates !
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