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In this lesson , we also got a chance to talk about the lives of soldiers in faraway places and why they played dice and other games so much . In learning about their daily experiences , my students put aside misconceptions about soldiers fighting all the time , why that wasn ’ t the case , and what they did with time they had in their barracks .
One student went above and beyond with her model , painting little dicethemed hares and foxes chasing each other . I was so impressed with this model that I asked if I could keep it . I still display it in my home office .
It truly is amazing what you can create with cardboard and tape and learn about the ancient Romans along the way !
All information about this Roman Technology STEM challenge is available here and on my website . I hope your students enjoy this lesson as much as mine did !
I ’ ll be presenting a workshop at the American Classical League Institute this summer on using Roman games in the classroom , and in part of the workshop , I ’ ll lead participants in reproducing this STEM challenge . Come join me !!
Nathalie Roy ( fabricatrix @ gmail . com ) teaches Roman Technology , Myth Makers , and Latin at Glasgow Middle in Baton Rouge , LA . Her students recreate the products and processes of ancient Roman daily life through hands-on history STEM labs and experimental archaeology . They recently built a Roman road style sidewalk through their school . Nathalie just returned from an epic trip to Roman Britain where she gathered information for her classes ’ next big project - designing and making their own Roman sandals .
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