F E A T U R E S P R I N G 2 0 2 3
I ' m not the only one that thinks this thing is clever . You can 3D print replicas and buy cheap ones made of wood , even though the original is made of copper alloy . And I ' m not gonna pretend I didn ' t buy one -- cuz I did !
The one I purchased came in slender wooden pieces that had to be assembled . I spray-painted the parts first and then used wood glue to keep them together .
When I tried it for the first time , I was struck by the sound it made ! The dice clatter their way down the chute and come out with a bang . So dramatic !
Wooden model of dice tower . ( Photo courtesy of Nathalie Roy )
My students absolutely love this STEM challenge . After learning about numerous ancient Roman dice towers , they were tasked with designing and sketching their own . After collecting their tools ( cardboard , masking tape , and scissors ), they got to work bringing their sketches to life .
They kept requesting more and more time to perfect their models . After creating some Roman dice replicas , they tested their dice towers for randomness by using some simple probability reporting . The results proved that dice towers work well at preventing cheating . They also played dice games with them - after all , that ' s what they ' re meant to do
Supplies for making a dice tower . Getty Images
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