PRIMA Spring 2023 | Page 18

S T U D E N T A U T H O R S S P R I N G 2 0 2 3
His entire family was also anxiously looking forward to the harvesting day because , along with the water , wheat prices had also drastically increased . Hermes Volcanius said that each member of their sixperson family could treat themselves to something that they didn ’ t need but wanted . Of course they had a budget but they still never got to do this since any extra money they earned was put toward expanding the farm .
© fesusrobertphotos
It is Volcanius family tradition to have not a feast but a larger-thannormal dinner before a harvest day . They also have to pray for their crops to sell well , even though they almost always do . Although they don ’ t have a whole lot of money they are still a very well known and respected family and farm . Even the King of Sparta has his bread made from Volcanius Farms ’ wheat ; this is where most of their profits come from . More than half of the wheat that the King does not buy is sold to citizens . No matter their class , they pay the same amount of money , which is not very much . Therefore , the King pays a premium to his favorite farmer so Hermes can stay in business . After all that explanation Hermes gave to his family even though they already knew this , dinner was over and everyone went to bed forgetting one CRUCIAL thing …
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It ’ s the next morning and Hermes wakes up happier than ever . He gets out of bed carefully so he does not wake up his wife . He goes outside to get all of the necessary equipment and goes to wake up his sons to start harvesting . About 30 minutes in , Hermes and his two sons , who we still don ’ t know the names of and never will , notice something . There ' s no more wheat !
“ B - But …” Hermes stammers , “ it was all here yesterday . I checked basically everything to see if it was ready !” With no wheat there ' s no bread and with no bread there ’ s no food to eat or sell . Hermes panics and tells his sons to go look throughout the farm for any more wheat . Some time goes by and they meet up , all with defeated faces after not finding anything . They go back inside and find Hermes ’ wife Antonia with their youngest daughter . She says , “ Why , you ’ re back early – how come ?” Hermes fills her in on what they found . At the end he mutters , “ I swear on the River Styx , I will find and kill whoever has done this .”
Just then thunder can be heard outside the house even though there is a clear sky . A knock is heard at their door . Hermes opens the door and there is a woman standing at the doorway . She introduces herself as Demeter in a kind and respectful manner , although she appears extremely vexed . Hermes did not entirely believe this woman but , when he remembered the thunder on a clear day , he decided to let her in . She told the family that this was her last straw . They had always prayed to her for a good rotation of crops and for the crops to sell , but last night they had not prayed . ( If you don ’ t remember , they did forget one CRUCIAL thing .)