PRIMA Fall 2023 | Page 9

E T C N E W S F A L L 2 0 2 3
Nathalie Roy shared her hands-on approach to classical instruction through three different presentations in twenty four hours : “ Roman Board Games and Dice Boxes ,” “ Engagement and Inclusion through Narratives and Games ,” and “ Write Like a Roman .”
Last but not least , Calliope Teaching Recipient Zoe Fox presented a prerecorded session , “ The Power of Project- Based Learning in the Elementary and Middle School Latin Classrooms .“
The Excellence Through Classics Open Meeting on Friday highlighted the work of ETC volunteers and award recipients .
Amphora earrings created by Program Chair Katy Reddick
Excellence Through Classics table at the 2023 ACL Institute .
This year there were more opportunities during the Institute to serve members that were not able to join us in person . In addition to virtual and pre-recorded sessions , ETC made an effort to invite members across the digital divide by hosting a Goosechase digital scavenger hunt .
Every ACL member is an ETC member and the core of ETC ’ s mission is actualized by a veritable cohort of dedicated committee members . These members provide high quality programming for both teachers and students , create resources such as ETC Live , teaching manuals , and this very publication , as well as coordinate four national / international student competitions , contests and awards .
Materials available at the ETC table were accessible through QR codes included at the end of ETC sponsored presentations and original ETC amphora earrings that I created were raffled off to a dozen recipients who made use of the Raffle Google Form QR code , even if they were not present in St . Louis .
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