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E T C C O N T E S T S F A L L 2 0 2 3


N A T I O N W I D E G A M E 2 0 2 3

Nicole Wellington , Interim ETC Live Chair
On September 29 2023 , Latin students from across the nation competed in ETC ’ s Fall Natonwide Game . The National Classics Week Nationwide game was hosted by Magistrae Jennifer Jarnagin and Nicole Wellington . Students competed in a Snowbrawl Gimkit game , answering tough questions on mythology .
Shout-out to the following teacher participants who joined the game : Magister Chris Buczek and Magistra Catherine Hayward .
After a heated Gimkit Snowbrawl , the following students demonstrated their mastery of mythology :
At the Middle School level : 1st place : Jack G , Durham Academy Middle School 2nd place : Mabel T , Dana Hall 3rd place : Henry R , Durham Academy Middle School
At the High School level : 1st place : Connor W , Central High School 2nd place : Addison A , Central High School 3rd place : Alaina B , Central High School
Some students participated in our asynchronous version of the game . Congratulations to our top winners : Emma F and Fiona V .
Multās gratiās to all who participated . Consider joining us on December 15th for the annual Saturnalia-themed game !
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