2022-2023 SCRIBO Winner Lorenzo Levy | Page 29

E T C C O N T E S T S F A L L 2 0 2 3




Lorenzo Levy

Lorenzo Levy
SCRIBO is a creative writing contest for students of Latin . Submissions are judged on adherence to theme , connection to Roman culture , originality , and choice of vocabulary , among other categories . SCRIBO entries that receive a perfect score will be published throughout the following year . Each entry features information about the author , a picture , and their awardwinning literary piece .
Student : Grade : Level :
Lorenzo Levy 12th Level VI
Category : Teacher : Title :
Poem Patrick Yaggy Ultiō Septimī
Lorenzo Levy is a senior at BASIS Tucson North currently taking Latin VI . Composing Latin has been one of his passions since fifth grade , and in more recent years , he have taken up the endlessly fulfilling pastime of composing Latin poetry .
About the piece : This work is a sequel to Catullus ’ 45th poem , which concerns the love story of young Acme and Septimius . In my poem , Catullus ’ words have fantastically willed Acme and Septimius into existence , but as a cruel twist of fate , Septimius ’ worst fear mentioned in the poem comes true , and gets shipped off as a soldier to Syria . Acme meanwhile is stuck in a Greek town in Sicily , true to her implied Greek heritage .
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