Pride and Prejudice Independent Reading Project Volume 1 | Page 8


Jane Austin lived and wrote Pride and Prejudice during the Regency era in Europe.

This was an era of distinctive clothing style that was constantly changing during this time period.

During the period when Pride and Prejudice was written, the round gown was the most fashionable at that time. The round dress was a dress and robe attached and tied together. This was the French influence that spread over to England. This fashion supposedly first became popularized by Marie Antoinette around the 1790s. The round gown was soft and round (as the name may imply). The round gown also had a train which was often times pinned up or held. These dresses were made of thin cotton fabric with white on white embroidery. The fact that the dress was white with a train made it very hard to keep the dress clean in England which had wet weather and very muddy roads.

by Elena Oh