Preview Teaching Skills (PREVIEW) Teaching Skills for Doctors_19092017RA | Page 5

About the authors Stephen McGuire Stephen is Oxford Medical’s Training Manager and a practising optometrist. Before concentrating upon career development for doctors, he worked as Clinical Development Manager at Dollond & Aitchison, being responsible for the recruitment, development, standards of compliance and performance of optometrists. Further experience includes programme management, overseeing the implementation of change, establishing new ways of working, and healthcare in the retail sector with specific focus upon specialised technical training and patient communication. Andy Cole Andy has led training, development and talent management strategies for leading names in the private and healthcare sector. His practice covers business psychology consulting, executive coaching, corporate education, communications training and experiential leadership development. An Honours graduate with postgraduate qualifications in HR Management, Business Psychology and Executive Coaching & Mentoring, Andy is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, a member of the Association of Business Psychologists and the European Mentoring & Coaching Council. Jacqueline Baxter Jacqueline lectures in Public Policy and Management for one of the largest universities in the UK. Her research interests lie in the area of public leadership and governance. Author of many courses, Jacqueline has a background in teaching, training and research. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and on the National Council for The British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society. Acknowledgements Finally, the views of teaching clinicians, experts in corporate education and fellow doctors attending Oxford Medical Training’s practical taught course (Teach the Teacher Course for Doctors) have been sought and included in each chapter. The authors are indebted to the following organisations and sources for information:  The Higher Education Academy  The Staff & Educational Development Association  The Institute of Leadership & Management. This is a practical guide that we hope will improve your teaching approach and maintain the great standards of clinical education we all promote. 4