Chapter 4: Teaching Delivery
4.01 Listening
4.02 Heron’s Interventions
4.03 1-to-1 teaching
4.04 How can questions be used in teaching?
4.05 Group dynamics
4.06 Critique, feedback and the learning process
4.07 Frameworks for review and reflection
4.08 Giving feedback
4.09 Seeking feedback
4.10 Methods to assist memory
4.11 Presenting and giving a lecture
4.12 Blocks to learning
Chapter 5: Curriculum Planning
5.01 Overview of a curriculum
5.02 Developing a scheme of work
5.03 Organisational management of lessons
5.04 The Hidden Curriculum
5.05 Educational strategies and the curriculum
5.06 Summary of curriculum models
Chapter 6: Assessment
6.01 Clarifying assessment, appraisal and evaluation
6.02 The role and design of assessment
6.03 Assessment to support learning
6.04 Formative versus summative assessment
6.05 Reliability and validity of assessment
6.06 Work-based, skill-based and written assessments
Chapter 7: Final Thoughts
7.01 Summary
7.02 Reflective learning statement
A.01 Examples of topics to practice teaching
A.02 References and further reading
A.03 Pages for your own notes