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4.03 Three questions on motivation 4.04 How do I motivate people? 4.05 The ideal environment 4.06 Herzberg’s Motivation Theory 4.07 Domains of Social Experience and individual motivation 4.08 Motivation and change 4.09 Start with ‘Why?’ 4.10 Nine tactics to influence 4.11 How to start an epidemic 4.12 Pulling this chapter together Chapter 5: Leading innovation and leading consistency 5.01 Innovation or consistency? 5.02 Leadership, followership and disciplined initiative 5.03 A creative environment 5.04 GROW 5.05 Reversal and provocation 5.06 The ‘Do-nothing’ option 5.07 Six Thinking Hats 5.08 Consistent environments Chapter 6: Dealing with under-performance 6.01 What do we mean by ‘under-performance’? 6.02 Three headline drivers of under-performance 6.03 Dysfunctional teams and under-performance 6.04 People who ‘don’t know’ 6.05 People who are ‘unable’ 6.06 People who ‘choose not to’ 6.07 Taking appropriate action 6.08 You are not alone 6.09 What holds you back from addressing under-performance? nce and the NHS Chapter 7: Final thoughts 7.01 Into the future 7.02 Your reflections References 3