PREVIEW 2018-2019 Teacher Guidelines PREVIEW ENGLISH ArtLink Handbook HQ 2018-2019 - FI | Page 5
II. Lesson Plan and Activities
ArtLink Unit Plan
Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions
Students will understand that…
• What is culture?
• Personal and cultural introspection is the
first step toward global competency. • What are values and how do they help define
one’s culture?
• Expanding one’s awareness of other
cultures enhances appreciation of the lives
of peers living in another country. • What are the advantages of using art (non-
linguistic communication) instead of written
or verbal means of conveying ideas?
• Art is a universal language that can convey
cultural norms and values. • How does the process of creating art give one
perspective on one’s own culture?
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
• Cultural norms and values underlie
global understanding. • • People create and interact with artwork
that can define, shape, enhance, and
empower their lives. Develop cross-cultural communication skills
through visual, written, and video exchanges
with ArtLink partners.
• Explore and describe similarities and
differences in the ways groups, societies, and
cultures address similar human needs and
concerns through creation and exchange of
original artwork.
• Use visual and written strategies to explore
factors that contribute to their cultural norms
and values.
• Plan for and create an original piece of art
illustrating an aspect of their cultural norms
and values.
• Different people may describe the same
event or situation in diverse ways, citing
reasons for differences in view.
• Family, groups, and community influence
the individual’s daily life and choices.
Artist Description Sheet
One-on-one Student/Teacher Interactions
Peer Feedback
ArtLink Cultural Norms and Values Assessment Criteria (Rubric)
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2018 -2019 ArtLink Program “Heritage”
Page 16