President Office Five year plan booklet | Page 6

iMLearning Program (Established 2010) Allows students to communicate with faculty, staff and classmates, while providing 24/7 access to class content and online resources that enhance classroom experiences. Receive + Receive FA C I L I TAT E S ? MacBook Pro iPad LEARNING 24/7 W H O HAS I ML E A RN I N G E Q U IPMENT? 10 0% FULL- TI M E UND E R GRA DUATE STUDEN T S 100% FU LL-T IME FACU LT Y 78% FULL- TIME G R A D UATE S TUD E N TS Enviromentally Friendly Program Inova Expansion In February 2013, Shenandoah University and Inova signed a Memorandum of Understanding to expand graduate health education programs in Northern Virginia and strengthen the regional workforce. The partnership will bring Shenandoah’s nationally known graduate programs in occupational therapy (OT), physical therapy (PT) and physician assistant (PA) studies to the university’s Northern Virginia Campus in Ashburn,Va., near Inova Loudoun Hospital. SEPT EMB ER 2012 SHENANDO AH RANKED New School of Nursing Shenandoah University’s Eleanor Wade Custer School of Nursing gained school status with Kathryn Ganske, Ph.D., RN, as its first dean. 28th AMO NG REGIO NAL U NIV ERSIT IES IN T HE SO U T H B Y U .S. NEWS & WO RLD REPO RT