Presentations How Cost Effective Are Spine Interventions? | Page 9

Dartmouth University’s Landmark SPORT study -- DISC HERNIATION ´ Intervertebral disc herniation: SPORT. Jon D. Lurie, MD, Gunnar B. Andersson, MD, Sigurd Berven, MD, James Weinstein, DO ´ Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial ´ Cost-effectiveness of surgical versus nonoperative treatment for lumbar disc herniation over a two-year period. ´ N=775 patients who underwent surgery and 416 who underwent nonoperative treatment for intervertebral disc herniation ´ Average difference in QALYs over the two-years after treatment was 0.21 in favor of surgery. ´ Surgery was more costly than nonoperative care — $14,137 more expensive for adult surgery and $34,355 for Medicare populations. ´ The estimated economic value of surgery varied considerably but overall surgery moderately cost-effective.