Presentations How Cost Effective Are Spine Interventions? | Page 11

Dartmouth University’s Landmark SPORT study -- DEGENERATIVE SPONDY ´ Degenerative spondylolisthesis: SPORT. ´ Two-year follow up ´ N= 391 for the surgery group, n= 210 for non-surgery group ´ QALY gain for degenerative spondylolisthesis patients was 0.34 and costs per QALY gained decreased for degenerative spondylolisthesis from $115,600 at two years to $64,300 at four years. ´ The study authors include Jon D. Lurie, MD, Gunnar B. Andersson, MD, Sigurd Berven, MD, James Weinstein, DO, Harry Herkowitz, MD, Todd Albert, MD, Keith Bridwell, MD, and other non-physician authors.