Feedback Mechanism
• Feedback mechanism project (FMP) is implemented by the Federation of Trade
Unions of Uzbekistan to to strengthen the achieved results and further prevent the
child and forced labour
• The mechanism is an alternative to Governmental oversight and is intended to
complement, but not replace, the legal channels for appeals management.
• The main channel of the FMP is a "Call Center" set-up at the Law Clinic of the
Federation of Trade Unions with the short number 1092. “Call center” is 24/7
• FMP structure includes a national administrative center in Tashkent, 13 regional
administrative centers in Karakalpakstan and provinces of Uzbekistan.
• FMP also includes consideration of written, oral and online appeals and complains,
as well as through phone (1092 and 2001092) and social networks.
• January-September 2016: 5 257 appeals have been reviewed via the FMP (1 443 telephone hotline and 284 – on-line appeals). 4 172 appeals - had been addressed.
• In order to restore the rights of workers the Federation made 245 appeals to
employers and 89 petitions to the court. As a result of that, the rights of 1052
persons had been restored and the payment of salaries and similar payments
totaling more than 858.3 million. UZS had been ensured.
• The Federation of Trade Unions developed standalone software functioning on-line
on its portal for registering appeals and complains, as well as keeping constant
analytical and statistical activities over them (