For those of you who have busing , staff members will meet children at the bus
Parents or daycare providers are responsible for walking children to the bus when they leave home and meeting the bus when children arrive home . Please be ready for the bus five minutes before the scheduled time .
If an address changes ( due to a move or new daycare ) during the school year , your child ’ s teacher should be notified . The teacher will let the school office and transportation department know of the change . Please allow at least five business days for a new schedule . Changes that are requested in August and September may take longer than 5 days .
If your child will be absent from school , or will not need transportation that day , please contact transportation to let them know you will not need busing . Call 651-621-1980 .
For children who attend morning early childhood sessions being dropped off at mid-day : When a parent is not at home to meet their child ’ s bus at mid-day , your child will be returned by the bus to the site of attendance and late fees will apply .
For children who attend afternoon early childhood sessions being dropped off at the end of school day : When a parent is not at home to meet their child ’ s bus at the end of the school day , the driver will drop off all other children on the bus and make a second attempt to drop off your child . If no one is home at the second attempt , your child will be delivered to Weaver Adventure Connection , Weaver Elementary School , 2135 Birmingham Street , Maplewood , MN , 651-748-7098 . Transportation staff will continue to try to contact parents . If parents have not picked up their child by 5:45 PM ( closing time ) the police department will be called . If a child has medical conditions that warrant immediate action , Adventure Connection staff may call the police department at any time . Fees will be charged for the time children are at Adventure Connection .