American Not - So Horror Story
By Sinem Meydanlı
American Horror Story is a show that attracted great attention when it was first
aired, it still does, but you shouldn’t be deceived by its name.
American Horror story started airing in 2011. This show is an anthology that
approaches different horror topics every season. Using same actors, with little
extension in the cast according to the story, they present the viewers a
“terrifying” experience - or that’s what is written in IMDB-. However some of
the viewers don’t find it that scary so this creates a conflict between viewers.
In a forum site called Yahoo some users responded to the “Is American Horror
-The title of the show
Story Scary?” question like this: “ It’s more creepy and at times (A lot of
times), disturbing. It’s hardly scary.” and another user expressed himself very
clearly “NO! But it is a good TV show.” Yet some find it so horrific that they are
scared to watch the other seasons. And the others... They are just watching
for the quaintness of the topic.
Even though all the conflict, almost all of the viewers
agree on one thing: the show is engrossing. According to
Ayşegül Ayhan , student of LP2, one of the things that
hitched her to the show was the cliffhangers at the end of
every episode. She puts it up like this: “ When I’m watching
an episode I tell myself this is the last one but every time I
end up watching at least 3 more episodes. They end the
episode in a place that I want to learn what comes afterwards.”
But there are some contrary remarks on that.
Ceren Karakılıç , a student from LP2, says : “ When I
watched the pilot actually I was not impressed at all. Well,
I’ve started it with my friends’ suggestions so I was not
- The cover of the show
sure that it was something that I could like and when
watched the pilot I was kind of disappointed. I thought that
it was dull and the topic was progressing slowly.”
Manymade1. "Is American Horror Story Scary?"
Yahoo Answers. Yahoo, 2013. Web. 23
If we come to the main point, there are opposite opinions among the viewers whether it is scary or not. But a survey
that has been on a site called Yahoo shows that approximately %71 percentage of the viewers that answered that
poll doesn’t find it scary. Almost all of the users agree on that the show is creepy on its unique way. “ Viewers who
like the horror genre and the offbeat Murphy