Premiere Orlando Show Preview 2023 | Page 57


Teacher vs . Dynamic Educator - Instructor Class
Salon Evolve Academy featuring Christina Dunbar & Sonia M . Graham SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p I ROOM W223 If you want to learn some basic practical approaches to help develop a plan to take action to develop a solid classroom foundation to build on for your success , this class is for you . Learn how to develop :
■ Techniques to enhance your teaching style to project a positive and professional image
■ Teaching strategies to create class participation conducive to the learning environment
■ Manage your classroom with a much higher degree of confidence , by knowing , understanding and fun !
After this course you will walk away with the tools to excel and enhance your creative ability and become more confident in the way you teach .
For additional classes with Salon Evolve Academy > see page 59
Teaching Methodologies and More
Teach 2 Reach featuring Kesha Norman (@ Teach2 _ ReachInc ) MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM W304G The course is designed to help improve educational outcomes through proven effective methods that are student centered approaches to learning and developing curriculum .
Never Lose Another Student “ Igniting Potential ”
Tyrik Jackson International featuring Tyrik Jackson
(@ iamtyrikjackson @ premierbarberinstitute ) SATURDAY 1:30 - 2:30p I ROOM W223 This class is focused on empowering you as an instructor or facilitator of a classroom . School Owner and Educator of the year Tyrik Jackson will provide you with the tools you need to identify your weaknesses , highlight your strengths and impart them to students . Regardless of your level of expertise , you will not want to miss this class .
A Cosmetology Instructor ' s Guide to Help Students Overcome Learning Barriers
The Statements Project featuring Nikki Le Trowbridge MONDAY 2:00 - 3:15p I ROOM W208B This class will provide you with common situational and dispositional learning barriers that students face every day , i . e ., emotional learning barriers , practical / personal barriers , and social / cultural barriers along with learning barrier solutions to help students succeed .
For additional classes with The Statements Project > see pages 90 & 91
The Adult Classroom - Instructor Class
YappyCarol featuring Carol Woodard SATURDAY 9:30 - 10:30a I ROOM W223 We spent time getting ready to rock our classrooms . Our expectations were high , we walked in with tools and materials prepared , and a careers worth of information to share . What happened ? What went wrong ? Let ’ s discuss the difference between controlling our classroom and managing the adult classroom . Setting the vibe in the classroom will create trust , establish rapport , and make teaching the experience you dreamed it would be .
Coaching and Communication - Instructor Class
YappyCarol featuring Carol Woodard SUNDAY 9:30 - 10:30a I ROOM W223 All successful teams have a winning coach . It ’ s time to take your already successful teaching techniques to the next level ! Discover the 6 C ’ s of becoming a classroom champion , when to coach your team , when to send them back into the game and most importantly when , and how to celebrate their success .