Premiere Orlando Show Preview 2022 | Page 57

Amelia Fugitt & Panel of Stylists
Mental Wellness Panel
SUNDAY 11:30a - 12:30p • W315B
Amelia & her panel of stylists will discuss the following : Mental wellness : acknowledgment & acceptance , substance abuse & escapism : drugs , alcohol , phones , etc , overcoming adversity & discrimination : LGBTQ +, minorities , self-reflection , recognizing your worth , & prioritizing yourself , how to handle burn-out & reignite your passion , and setting Goals & overcoming obstacles .
For additional classes with AMELIA FUGITT > see pages 16 & 68
Phillip Rosado
" The Reset ” - Recognize Energy & Learn to Reset
SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a l MONDAY 1:00 - 2:00p • W315B
The Reset is a deep dive into the relationship between stylist and client . This course goes beyond doing hair . It will give you clarity , balance and understanding as to what we are truly doing for living behind the chair – improving people ’ s well-being . Every client affects your mental state . Learn to recognize , assess , and react to each client ’ s energy whether it be positive or negative and learn how to RESET between each client . Learn how to protect your client ’ s happiness , your happiness , avoid mental burnout , and how essential that is to your career and financial success .
National Trichology Training Institute featuring Connie Judge , Dr . Rita McGuire , Dr . Willie M Winzer , Doris Mosley , Andreana Ramseur , Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell & Dr . Tira Harney Clay
Mental Health , Hair Health , and Wellness Symposium
SUNDAY 3:45 - 5:00p • W315B
Are you , as a beauty professional , mentally suffering in silence ? Are you making your clients look good and feel better , but at the same time feel depressed , stressed , and losing your hair ? Pandemic stress is REAL and affects all of us in many ways . Mental Health is one of the leading challenges amid the pandemic . If you are one of the millions with mental health challenges resulting in health problems , and hair loss ( telogen effluvium ), don ’ t miss this symposium !
Featuring Connie Judge & Dr . Tira Harney Clay
Health and Wellness Coaching
MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p • W308B
Health and Wellness Coaching is a growing trend in the beauty industry . The global pandemic has shifted the health and wellness industry into overdrive , and Wellness Coaches are desperately needed ! If you are passionate about helping your clients have healthy bodies and healthy hair , you cannot afford to miss this innovative class ! Learn how to become a Certified Health and Wellness Coach !
For additional classes with NATIONAL TRICHOLOGY TRAINING INSTITUTE > see pages 35 & 39