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Hale Cosmeceuticals Inc featuring Vishnu Potini , MD , MBA
From Science into a Bottle : Understand the Basics Behind Your Favorite Skin Technologies
MONDAY 10:00 - 11:00a • W204B
Hale Cosmeceuticals is based on over 30 years of science and ingredients recommended by Physicians . Learn how we go from a scientific concept to create trusted finished products for the professional skincare community . As an all- American manufacturer , we take concepts from ideas to R & D to the bottle . Learn how to choose and market products that work for your clients and work for you . Get a glimpse into the contract manufacturing and private-label process as well !
Prismatique / Armesso featuring Cindy Lynch
Transdermal Mesotherapy Protocols for Anti-Aging
SUNDAY & MONDAY 2:30 - 3:30p • W205B
Transdermal Mesotherapy is a non-invasive alternative to conventional mesotherapy in which there is no need for microinjections to effectively deliver active ingredients into dermal cells with the purpose of restoring the tissues . Learn how to prepare the skin and select the indicated products in order to revitalize , hydrate , lift and even the tone of the skin offering an integral therapy to your clients that will visibly show dramatic effects .
Oncology Spa Solutions featuring Becky Kuehn and Linda Miller
The New World of Oncology & Wellness
SATURDAY 2:00 - 3:00p l SUNDAY 2:30 - 3:30p • W205C
Esthetics and wellness are converging ( finally ) and it ’ s super exciting ! Join us as we discuss and share the new opportunities that are becoming available for Estheticians that are oncology trained . Can you imagine what it would be like to have a facial or spa service prescribed by a physician and covered by insurance ? Learn about this new pilot program Becky helped advance as a founding member .
Candela Medical featuring Holly Henningson
Microneedling & Energy Facials
SATURDAY 12:30 - 1:30p • W205C SUNDAY & MONDAY 1:00 - 2:00p • W205C
Grounded in Science . Focused on Results . Building a legacy of Trust . Candela is the spark that continues to inspire and lead the way in innovating energy-based technologies that change lives . This presentation will provide you with knowledge of how these aesthetic treatments are game changers ! Microneedling is the # 1 most requested service in the aesthetic space after injectables . Microneedling yields high ROIs to help you build a strong aesthetic business . This class will inspire and provide you with the most innovative technology on the market today . Our products are FDA cleared , safe , effective and deliver transformational results . Our education is second to none . Come experience why we are the leader in the aesthetic space . See tangible results and how simple adding energy can be while growing your basic facial business by 75 %. Beat your competition by offering the products that studies have shown over 70 % achieved wrinkle reduction and 90 % improved facial appearance . Non-invasive wrinkle treatments have proved results .